Benchmark score:
Style observations:
Revisiting the classics with oil paint and an ethereal aesthetic, Thayer's artistic style is characterized by its understated color palette and captivating beauty. Midjourney masterfully captures these qualities in the images. Each benchmark exudes the essence of Thayer's tone, creating a harmonious connection. My favorite is "Chernobog," which portrays the figure as a fallen angel, adding a captivating twist to the imagery.
/explore further Benchmarks
Guy BourdinAndrei Kovalev Midlibrary | Midjourney AI Styles
Guy Bourdin
Midlibrary Powerstyle
Louis WainAndrei Kovalev Midlibrary | Midjourney AI Styles
Louis Wain
Midlibrary Powerstyle
Muybridge sequenceAndrei Kovalev Midlibrary | Midjourney AI Styles
Muybridge sequence
Midlibrary Powerstyle
Dan McPharlinAndrei Kovalev Midlibrary | Midjourney AI Styles
Dan McPharlin
Midlibrary Powerstyle

All samples are produced by Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI (if not stated otherwise). Naturally, they are not representative of real artists' works/real-world prototypes.

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Ver. 2.9.1

Midlibrary by
Cy Twombly
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What are Benchmarks
and how we count the Score

The prompts

In this lab we put Styles through the test of nine standardized prompts to see how they work in a variety of contexts and prompt situations.
cyberpunk character
Nazgul over sleeping town
decaying peonies
tech genius teenage girl
cute Mainecoon cat
Thom Yorke
Francis D. photographed by Andrei Kovalev. Paris, 2011
Image Prompt: Francis D

Style ranking

Depending on how a Style "behaved" in each situation, we add 1, 0.5, or 0 points to its.
cyberpunk character by Hieronymus Bosch
cyberpunk character by Ron English
cyberpunk character by Guy Bourdin
Generic results with no unique Style features.
Styles inherits only some elements from the style.
Style shows distinct and unique result.
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