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Audrey Kawasaki

Public Domain artist

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Audrey Kawasaki style in Midjourney AI | Midlibrary
Audrey Kawasaki
--v 5.1
Audrey Kawasaki
--v 5.1
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--v 5.2
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Audrey Kawasaki
ⓘ Prompt used to produce this style sample in Midjourney AI
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Style features:

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Optimal prompt:
Auudrey Kawasaki's painting depicting
Audrey Kawasaki

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What is Optimal prompt?

Benchmark score:
Style observations:
We have amazingly reimagined benchmarks by MJ, and just look at this mesmerizing Thom! Despite a minor setback with Francis D. (-0.5), It is an 8.5/9 Midlibrary score! (Quite close to Power Style)
Check out the complete Benchmark gallery for 
Audrey Kawasaki

Audrey Kawasaki

American painter known for her figurative works



Audrey Kawasaki is an American painter known for her figurative works that often feature young women in dreamy, surrealistic settings. Her work is characterized by its delicate, detailed line work and its use of soft, muted colors. Kawasaki has exhibited her work internationally and has gained a devoted following among collectors and fans of contemporary art.

Source ↗︎

ⓘ Prompts showcasing the style in various contexts. You can share your own findings by using the "Add your prompt" link in the top right corner of the page.
Learn more about General Modifiers in our introductory Guide→
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/explore further
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Chris Leib
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ⓘ Similar styles share at least three features

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ⓘ New styles on every page!

All samples are produced by Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI (if not stated otherwise). Naturally, they are not representative of real artists' works/real-world prototypes.

We'll be grateful for shares and backlinks!

Ver. 2.8.3

Andrei Kovalev's MidlibraryAudrey Kawasaki
Midlibrary by
Audrey Kawasaki
Andrei Kovalev's Midlibrary
Midlibrary by
Made of felt
Andrei Kovalev's Midlibrary
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What are Benchmarks
and how we count the Score

The prompts

In this lab we put Styles through the test of nine standardized prompts to see how they work in a variety of contexts and prompt situations.
cyberpunk character
Nazgul over sleeping town
decaying peonies
tech genius teenage girl
cute Mainecoon cat
Thom Yorke
Francis D. photographed by Andrei Kovalev. Paris, 2011
Image Prompt: Francis D

Style ranking

Depending on how a Style "behaved" in each situation, we add 1, 0.5, or 0 points to its.
cyberpunk character by Hieronymus Bosch
cyberpunk character by Ron English
cyberpunk character by Guy Bourdin
Generic results with no unique Style features.
Styles inherits only some elements from the style.
Style shows distinct and unique result.
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Suggest a prompt for
Audrey Kawasaki
Midjourney style
You can help us make Midlibrary better. If you created an interesting, powerful prompt using
Audrey Kawasaki
Midjourney style—please, share it with us. This will allow to develop a more in-depth understanding of the style.
For example: exotic bird with intricate feathers in style of
Audrey Kawasaki
--stylize 175 --v 5.1 --style raw
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All content in the Midlibrary catalog is generated by the Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI. We do not feature real artists' images, artworks, or any copyrighted material in our catalog. The samples provided by Midlibrary are intended for educational and illustrative purposes only and are not representative of real artists' works or real-world prototypes. Midlibrary is a non-profit initiative, not affiliated with real artists or authors, aiming to educate and inspire through the demonstration of the technology's potential in creative explorations.
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