How to add style modifiers to prompts?
There are (at least) two ways of adding a style modifier to your prompt—Basic and Optimal prompts.
Basic prompts are simple: by <artist's name>, or in style of <technique, genre, art movement>, etc.
How to find styles that match your idea?
There are multiple ways to explore Midlibrary in search for styles, depending on your goals and how adventurous you are.
The main workspace of our Catalog is the All styles page. It is an advanced window into our collection, and a powerful tool to navigate it. It might look overwhelming at first, but, in fact, it's pretty straightforward.
Top part is your search and navigation dashboard, allowing you to sort and filter the Catalog in a variety of ways.
The main window is the Catalog itself—a grid of previews of various Midjourney styles. By default, they are sorted from A to Z (note, that artists' style are sorted by Family name). Let's take a closer look at style cards.
Each style is represented by its Midjourney sample, name, category and—in some cases—a set of icons.
If you like a certain sample and want to try the style with your prompt, simply click the style name—it will be copied to your clipboard.

Paste it into your prompt in Discord, et voila!
Navigating the Catalog
The filter and search pane has basic, and advanced modes.
Basic mode displays some of the most essential information and controls. Here, you see what filters are applied at the moment, and the number of styles matching those filters.
Controls, available in basic mode allow you to sort styles alphabetically, or by recency (since we are adding new styles every week, it's a great mode to follow the updates). You can also filter the grid by styles that belong to Public Domain, feature the Powerstyle award, or have Benchmarks. And you can combine those filters, too!
Finally, from here, you can search the Catalog by a style name. Or a part of it! Just start typing— the grid will be updating in real-time.
But the true power lies in the Advanced Filter panel. When open, it offers two types of filters: Categories and Features.
Categories are self-expalantory, so let's talk about Features. It is a set of 51 keywords that fall into six categories: Theme, Style, Technique, Subject, Color, and Cultures + Identities.
In the Advanced Filters panel, all Features are displayed as a single table of contents.
You can check one Category and any number of Features—as long as there are styles matching your combination. If a combination is unavailable, the filter that will leads to it will become unclickable.
Exploring a style
Apart from copying a style's name, you can also click its preview, which will lead you to that style page.
It's focus is on the style samples from different versions of Midjourney. The current default—V5.2—is shown first, but you can switch through different models by clicking their respective links.
What are style samples?
If, in your prompt, you specify no details, and just type in the "clean" Basic prompt: by Tyrus Wong, or Ukiyo-e—Midjourney will return an image representing its purest vision of said style.
Different versions (models) of Midjourney "see" styles differently. Some times the variations are pretty drastic, making a style unique in each version:
You now have a functionality to compare samples from all of the contemporary Midjourney versions (and there are some hidden old-school gems, too!).
Then there are style details: features, assoicated with the style; the style's Optimal Prompt (again—click to copy!); Benchmark score, observations, and gallery; artist's bio/style description.
Not all styles have those details, but we are constantly working on adding them to each entry in our Catalog.
After the style-related part, there are several more "portals" to explore further: More styles from the same category, Similar styles (avaliable for a part of the evergrowing Catalog), Style Roulette, Guides and Studies, and Style Tops.
What are Benchmarks and why they are important?
Midlibrary Benchmark is a special set of nine standardized prompts that allow you to see how a specific style "behaves" in different contexts and with various subjects: from sci-fi to fantasy, from portraits to architecture, and from flowers to mythical creatures.
Depending on the outcome of each prompt, we add 1 (success), 0.5 (semi-success), or 0 (a prompt failed to produce a unique result in this style) points to the style's Benchmark score.
Each style that was tested by the Midlibrary team has on it's page a preview and a link to its Benchmark. But you can also get to all Benchmarks from the Tested! section.
More ways to find styles
Another important page for Catalog exploration is the Classifier.
In a nutshell, it's the Catalog map, from where you can go to a specific category or feature page and see all styles that belong to this particular section. Navigating these page is almost similar with the All styles with two differences. On a category page Advanced filters will show you its subcategories, and on a feature page you won't see the features filter.
Another tool for discovering Midjourney styles is the Style Roulette. Available on most pages, starting from Home, it shows four random styles for you to explore.
Finally, for a more curated experience you can always go to the Tops page and check out our best styles compilations!
Ask us anything!
If you have questions about Midlibrary, want to offer a collaboration, or suggest a feature—please, contact us via [email protected].

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All samples are produced by Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI (if not stated otherwise). Naturally, they are not representative of real artists' works/real-world prototypes.

We'll be grateful for shares and backlinks!

Ver. 2.8.3

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Ink drawing
Andrei Kovalev's Midlibrary
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