Overlooked Styles in Midlibrary
As promised, we present to you the most 'overlooked' styles in Midlibrary. These are the styles which appeared only once in our search statistics, and we strongly believe that these talented artists and the way Midjourney sees and interprets theirs styles deserve to be loved and noticed by you!
Henri-Edmond CrossHenri-Edmond CrossHenri-Edmond CrossHenri-Edmond CrossHenri-Edmond CrossHenri-Edmond CrossHenri-Edmond CrossHenri-Edmond Cross
Henri-Edmond Cross
--v 5.1

Henri-Edmond Cross

Optimal prompt
Henri-Edmond Cross's painting depicting
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What is Optimal prompt?

Coles PhillipsColes PhillipsColes PhillipsColes PhillipsColes PhillipsColes PhillipsColes PhillipsColes Phillips
Coles Phillips
--v 5.1

Coles Phillips

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Andre KerteszAndre KerteszAndre KerteszAndre KerteszAndre KerteszAndre KerteszAndre KerteszAndre Kertesz
Andre Kertesz
--v 5.1

Andre Kertesz

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Alessandro GottardoAlessandro GottardoAlessandro GottardoAlessandro GottardoAlessandro GottardoAlessandro GottardoAlessandro GottardoAlessandro Gottardo
Alessandro Gottardo
--v 5.1

Alessandro Gottardo

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Arthur DoveArthur DoveArthur DoveArthur DoveArthur DoveArthur DoveArthur DoveArthur Dove
Arthur Dove
--v 5.1

Arthur Dove

Optimal prompt
Arthur Dove's painting depicting
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What is Optimal prompt?

Michael KennaMichael KennaMichael KennaMichael KennaMichael KennaMichael KennaMichael KennaMichael Kenna
Michael Kenna
--v 5.1

Michael Kenna

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Paul CorfieldPaul CorfieldPaul CorfieldPaul CorfieldPaul CorfieldPaul CorfieldPaul CorfieldPaul Corfield
Paul Corfield
--v 5.1

Paul Corfield

Optimal prompt
Paul Corfield's painting depicting
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Hsiao Ron ChengHsiao Ron ChengHsiao Ron ChengHsiao Ron ChengHsiao Ron ChengHsiao Ron ChengHsiao Ron ChengHsiao Ron Cheng
Hsiao Ron Cheng
--v 5.1

Hsiao Ron Cheng

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Paul StrandPaul StrandPaul StrandPaul StrandPaul StrandPaul StrandPaul StrandPaul Strand
Paul Strand
--v 5.1

Paul Strand

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Bernard BuffetBernard BuffetBernard BuffetBernard BuffetBernard BuffetBernard BuffetBernard BuffetBernard Buffet
Bernard Buffet
--v 5.1

Bernard Buffet

Optimal prompt
Bernard Buffet's painting depicting
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Harold EdgertonHarold EdgertonHarold EdgertonHarold EdgertonHarold EdgertonHarold EdgertonHarold EdgertonHarold Edgerton
Harold Edgerton
--v 5.1

Harold Edgerton

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Bert SternBert SternBert SternBert SternBert SternBert SternBert SternBert Stern
Bert Stern
--v 5.1

Bert Stern

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Edward Burne-JonesEdward Burne-JonesEdward Burne-JonesEdward Burne-JonesEdward Burne-JonesEdward Burne-JonesEdward Burne-JonesEdward Burne-Jones
Edward Burne-Jones
--v 5.1

Edward Burne-Jones

Optimal prompt
Edward Burne-Jones' painting depicting
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Francois BoucherFrancois BoucherFrancois BoucherFrancois BoucherFrancois BoucherFrancois BoucherFrancois BoucherFrancois Boucher
Francois Boucher
--v 5.1

Francois Boucher

Optimal prompt
Francois Boucher's painting depicting
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Aubrey BeardsleyAubrey BeardsleyAubrey BeardsleyAubrey BeardsleyAubrey BeardsleyAubrey BeardsleyAubrey BeardsleyAubrey Beardsley
Aubrey Beardsley
--v 5.1

Aubrey Beardsley

Optimal prompt
Aubrey Beardsley's illustration depicting
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Lorna SimpsonLorna SimpsonLorna SimpsonLorna SimpsonLorna SimpsonLorna SimpsonLorna SimpsonLorna Simpson
Lorna Simpson
--v 5.1

Lorna Simpson

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Christopher BalaskasChristopher BalaskasChristopher BalaskasChristopher BalaskasChristopher BalaskasChristopher BalaskasChristopher BalaskasChristopher Balaskas
Christopher Balaskas
--v 5.1

Christopher Balaskas

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Dan HillierDan HillierDan HillierDan HillierDan HillierDan HillierDan HillierDan Hillier
Dan Hillier
--v 5.1

Dan Hillier

Optimal prompt
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

August MackeAugust MackeAugust MackeAugust MackeAugust MackeAugust MackeAugust MackeAugust Macke
August Macke
--v 5.1

August Macke

Optimal prompt
August Macke's painting depicting
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

Bruce MunroBruce MunroBruce MunroBruce MunroBruce MunroBruce MunroBruce MunroBruce Munro
Bruce Munro
--v 5.1

Bruce Munro

Optimal prompt
Bruce Munro's installation depicting
This is some text inside of a div block.

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What is Optimal prompt?

This is it for now! Stay tuned for our next release! 

— Olesya, 

Midlibrary Overseer

Midjourney Style Roulette
Blacklight paint style in Midjourney AI | Midlibrary
Blacklight paint
Midlibrary Powerstyle
Midlibrary Benchmark
Artistic Techniques
Charles Spencelayh style in Midjourney AI | Midlibrary
Charles Spencelayh
Midlibrary Powerstyle
Midlibrary Benchmark
Yoshitomo Nara style in Midjourney AI | Midlibrary
Yoshitomo Nara
Midlibrary Powerstyle
Midlibrary Benchmark
Nate Berkus style in Midjourney AI | Midlibrary
Nate Berkus
Midlibrary Powerstyle
Midlibrary Benchmark
Antonio Mora style in Midjourney AI | Midlibrary
Antonio Mora
Midlibrary Powerstyle
Midlibrary Benchmark
Various Artists

ⓘ New styles on every page!

All samples are produced by Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI (if not stated otherwise). Naturally, they are not representative of real artists' works/real-world prototypes.

We'll be grateful for shares and backlinks!

Ver. 2.5.9

Midlibrary by
Iwan Baan
Andrei Kovalev's Midlibrary
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All content in the Midlibrary catalog is generated by the Midlibrary team using Midjourney AI. We do not feature real artists' images, artworks, or any copyrighted material in our catalog. The samples provided by Midlibrary are intended for educational and illustrative purposes only and are not representative of real artists' works or real-world prototypes. Midlibrary is a non-profit initiative, not affiliated with real artists or authors, aiming to educate and inspire through the demonstration of the technology's potential in creative explorations.
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